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Autumn Statement 2023 Round Up

The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement was expected to be strategic, holding back the big tax cuts for the Spring Budget. However, the tech sector and regional economies saw some positive outcomes, mainly across further investment into AI and R&D tax credits to support startups and scale-ups. 

主要公告还包括承诺进行供给侧改革,旨在提高生产率和经济增长,并鼓励企业投资. 有许多地区宣布进行投资以支持业务增长, plus news around further devolved powers. 随附的政策文件表明有意深化现有MCAs的未来权力下放解决方案. 

Katie Gallagher, managing director of Manchester Digital, said: 

“今天公布的秋季财务报表有很多积极的方面,这将支持我们地区的科技行业. 其中包括另外5亿英镑,用于资助更多人工智能和简化R的创新中心&D积分,以及使所有企业的全部费用永久化. 

“我们也欢迎在两年内为工程和其他高增长行业的学徒提供额外的5000万英镑资金. However, 我们认为,如果我们要确保学徒制取得成功,就必须同时进行学徒税改革, scalable and attractive to companies at all stages of growth.

“Overall, 我们希望看到更多的政策,使所有企业和所有工人都能采用数字技术,并有机会提高技能. Our region has a very strong tech sector, which with the right policies, 能否给当地经济带来重要提振,为整个地区创造提振的杠杆和机会.”


Digital and tech economy 

R&D Tax Credits: The existing R&开支信贷和中小型企业计划将于2024年4月合并. 财政部将把亏损公司的负担从25%降至19%, 而进入一个新的合并计划的强度门槛从40%降低到30%,预计还会有5人受益,000 SMEs

官邸改革:财政大臣宣布承诺实施官邸改革,建立新的投资工具,支持创新型科技公司. 这包括在英国商业银行内部建立一个新的增长基金, 到2030年,为高增长公司提供750亿英镑的额外融资,同时为养老金储户提供福利. 

EIS and VCT schemes are to be extended until 2035, and the Future Fund will receive an extra £50 million.

计算:建立在计算审查和早期能力投资的基础上, there will be £500m available over the next two years to create two new innovation centres; to accelerate more AI capacity and capability.

分拆评论:继昨天出版的大学分拆评论之后, 政府已承诺投入两千万英镑资助跨学科研究, which may be attractive to innovative tech firms. 


营业税——永久经营的企业投资的全部费用, 每年耗资110亿英镑,旨在增加投资激励.

Education and skills


Regional announcements 

投资区:政府增加了现有投资区和自由港的税收减免时间表, 并宣布在大十大网博靠谱平台(伯里)设立更多的投资区, West Midlands and East Midlands. Investment Zones are also being extended to Wales and Scotland. 大十大网博靠谱平台投资区将专注于十大网博靠谱平台的先进制造业和材料, Salford, Rochdale, Bury, Oldham and the wider city region, with anchor investment from First Graphene, Kadant, Werit and Hydrograph worth over £10 million.

税收减免-投资区和自由港:在工业区和自由港将从5年延长到10年, 一个新的1.5亿英镑的投资机会基金将支持他们获得特定的商业投资机会. 

Devolution: Further Devolution Deals were announced in Hull and East Yorkshire; Lancashire; Greater Lincolnshire; and Cornwall. Alongside the Statement, 英国财政部推出了“第四级”权力下放框架(升级白皮书有三个层次), 它确定了市长联合当局可以行使的权力. 


十大网博靠谱平台数字公司与国家和地区政府合作,帮助制定支持和发展我们地区科技经济的政策. 如果您想参与并了解更多十大网博靠谱平台会员的信息,请访问:

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